
Lindsay Lohan needed her fingertip reattached after gruesome boat injury


While I grew up in the suburbs, there were always lots of farms around and I ended up going to school with lots of farm kids who helped their parents on various family farms. Which meant that I went to school with a few kids who were missing fingers or fingertips because of farm accidents. I was good friends with a guy who only had two “nubs” for his ring finger and bird-finger on one hand. His nubs sort of made him cool – they were both freaky and enchanting. Anyway, that was my first thought when I read this Lindsay Lohan story: Lindsay came close to having a nub! But it was sort of fixed.

Lindsay Lohan lost a portion of her ring finger in a boating accident … and the pic is horrifying. Lindsay was enjoying Sunday in the ocean off Turkey when she tried pulling up the boat anchor and became entangled in it. The anchor pulled her down into the water and she struggled to get back in the boat as she tried untangling herself.

The anchor sliced off the tip of her finger. Her friends went on the hunt and found the detached digit on the deck of the boat. They rushed LiLo to an ER, where a plastic surgeon reattached it.

[From TMZ]

You can see the gruesome, NSFW finger photo here – I took the bullet on the Johnny Depp-finger story, but I have no desire to see Lindsay’s nub, so I didn’t look. I’m just assuming the whole thing is gruesome because how could it not be? As for The Story of the Cracked-Out Nub, does anyone else think that TMZ’s version makes little to no sense? The anchor pulled her into the water, she was trying to get back on the boat and her fingertip got sliced off? I don’t really get it. Still, it must have been traumatic for Lindsay and I’m glad they were able to find her fingertip and a plastic surgeon was able to reattach it.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-07-10